
What is hypnosis?

Hypnosis is when your conscious mind is in the “in-between place” of being wide-awake and asleep. Whenever you are in a state of 100% focused concentration. Your brain begins to slow down and open up inward. Everyone has experienced this kind of concentrated and focused state of mind. Examples are like whenever you are meditating, daydreaming, driving your car, watching a focused TV program (Sports or favorite show) or doing anything where you are relaxed and your concentration is so intense that outside noises or other stimuli are tuned out. Sometimes you may experience while driving that you are on auto pilot and even sometimes miss the exit you wanted to turn off on. You are in a natural state of light hypnosis. This can be an indicator that you have a good talent for experiencing self-hypnosis. Remember all hypnosis is self-hypnosis. Allowing yourself to be guided by a hypnotherapist is much like going to a fishing guide who know where the fish are and how deep to set your hook to help you catch just the fish you want.


What are the different levels of consciousness?

Science has identified our different levels of consciousness by measuring the brains electrical energy output during different states of consciousness. These levels of consciousness are called the Beta, Alpha, Theta, and Delta.

The Beta Level is our waking active state of mind running at 18-40 cycles per second. You are alert, in an active thought process, and in an energized state. We normally on an intellectual level that is aware and constantly distracted by inner and outer activity. The mind is in an analytical and active mood.

In the Alpha Level the mind slows down to 8-12 cycles per second. You are calm, relaxed and in a state of 100% focused concentration withdrawing into self. Experiencing calm and pleasant drifting feelings while being focused on a specific activity such as meditation, learning or a very focused creative project.

In the Theta State the brain slows down to 4-7 cycles per second to a moderate trance level and is associated with twilight-sleep learning, deep relaxation, and intensified imagery. Very effective level for hypnosis.

The Delta State slows down to 1-3 cycles per second to a very deep trance state. You are in a state of heightened function of creative process with increased level of suggestibility and narrowing of attention. All your body functions operate at reduced energy and activity output. Doctors have used this state of hypnotic trance to perform amputation of body limbs, surgery such as C-section birth and to help burn victims withstand painful rehabilitative procedures.

The next level is Sleep.


An example of how the conscious and subconscious mind works.

While in the waking Beta State you are actively doing the activity of your choice both physically and mentally.
In the Alpha State you are idly daydreaming or thinking about doing this activity.
The Theta State is where you are imagining yourself doing that activity.
In the Delta State you physically feel yourself doing that activity in detail.
When you fall into sleep you dream of participating in that activity.


What is the goal of hypnotherapy?

The goal is to access your subconscious mind using hypnosis to facilitate behavioral changes using the power of suggestion. Exchanging old outdated and harmful information and habits with new positive, motivating and self-helping behaviors. Hypnotherapy helps you to utilize your natural talent of self-hypnosis in practical and purposeful ways as a “Power Tool of The Mind” to improve your physical and mental well being. Some may even experience a heighten state of spiritually.


I am afraid and feel that I can’t be hypnotized. Can I be hypnotized anyway?

Yes. By understanding how the process of hypnosis works and what to expect, you can become comfortable with it. Only you can choose to go into a hypnotic state. Remember you are always in control! It is helpful to discuss your fears and feelings about hypnosis with your Hypnotherapist to become more comfortable with the process.

Some of the most frequently asked questions are:
When I am under hypnosis can you make me bark like a dog? Or act foolishly or embarrassing in anyway? NO.

Will I tell you something I have never told anyone? Will I talk or do things that are private and revealing against my will? Morally or ethically? NO.

Can I get stuck in a hypnotic state and never return? NO.

Is hypnosis dangerous? NO.

All Hypnosis is Self-Hypnosis.
The hypnotic process is controlled by you and only by you. The therapist is merely a guide. The therapist's guiding voice helps in allowing your conscious mind to feel safe and will help you to reach a deeper level of relaxation. The deeper the hypnosis the more success you will have in changing your behavior or creating your healing process. Your subconscious mind’s job is to protect you. You will always be in control of what you say and what you do.

If anyone asks you to do or say something that would hurt you in any way while under hypnosis, your sub-conscious mind will reject it and bring you out of any hypnotic state instantly or you will simply refuse to answer questions you wish to hold secret.

Hypnosis can help you with…..
  • Improving Self-esteem and Motivation for Success and Abundance
    Eliminate Phobias, Anxiety and Stress
    Maintaining Weight Release or Weight Gain
    Stop Smoking, Biting Nails, Scratching
    Dental Fear and Teeth Grinding
    Management of Chronic Pain, Migraines, Allergies, and Asthma
    Improve Sports Excellence
    Testing or performing fears
    Sleeping Problems
    Pre & Post Surgery & Pain Control


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